
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Phantom Galaxy: 31 Days of Halloween: Part 1
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Welcome to Phantom Galaxy!
October is our relaunch month for the podcast, and we're diving in with 31 Days of Halloween!
Every 3 days Seth and I will have a new episode covering those days and sharing movies, books, music and anything else that makes us think of the season and holiday!
Join us tonight for werewolves and things from the crypt, and then come back for October 4th, 5th, and 6th!
Show Notes:
For those of you curious about 'Party Girl' from the Chick Tract documentary, see below:
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Casting the Bones Episode 2: Art Bell and The Endless
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Tuesday Apr 24, 2018
Welcome back to 'Casting the Bones', a chilling new podcast dedicated to exploring the roots of horror fiction and folklore. Your hosts Nathan Bartlebaugh and Seth Dombach peel back the seemingly tranquil veneer of the normal to examine the weird, the strange and the terrifying lurking beneath the flesh and muscle of our world.
In this episode we talk briefly about the latest--and laziest--monster hoax to hit the internet, and lament a time when people were willing to build better bluffs and better beasts. We also contemplate the difference between an aswang and a chupacabra.
Then, it's off across the darkness of the airwaves to commemorate the late, great spooktacular Art Bell, who introduced whole generations to the beautiful wierdness of supernatural and paranormal conspiracy theories with his hit radio show 'Coast to Coast'. We discuss some of the Bell's greatest hits, what made him so enduring and compelling, and the nerve the show struck in culture.
We also showcase some of Bell's craziest callers, including the infamous Area 51 employee whose nutty rant ended in a sattelite malfunction and a dropped broadcast.
We wrap the evening up with a review of a tantalizingly strange new movie called 'The Endless', directed by Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead. Have the directors of the intriguing 'Resolution' and the beautifully creepy 'Spring' struck gold again? Does this highly lauded indie live up to the early hype? Listen and find out.
Settle down, turn off the lights, and join us as we cast the bones.
Send any fiction, strange experiences, or art/books/films you'd like reviewed, or general feedback to castingthebones@gmail.com.
[ 0:09:00] Discussion of the Chupacabra/Aswang sighting in Argentina
[ 0:17:40] A Tribute to Art Bell
[ 01:04:07] Creepy Caller Medley
[ 01:07:32] Film Review: The Endless
The music in the intro:
Moorland Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Casting the Bones theme composed by Seth Dombach

Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Episode 40: 80's Explosion: Ready Player One and The Karate Kid
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Welcome back! You've arrived at the Phantom Galaxy Podcast, a journey into all things science fiction, fantasy and horror.
Nathan Bartlebaugh and Nathan Bell leap into unapologetic eye-rolling 80's nostalgia, while rolling their eyes at unapologetic 80's nostalgia.
Fueled by Blueberry Moonshine, the guys talk about Youtube Red's upcoming Karate Kid cash-in, Cobrai Kai, and then go down the rabbit hole of silly 80's martial arts extravaganzas, paying some special attention to schlocky faves like Ninja 3: The Domination and The Last Dragon.
There's also a spoiler-free review of Steven Spielberg's big-screen adaptation of Ernie Cline's Ready Player One. Can Spielberg harness the nostalgia zeitgeist while not succumbing to reference overload, the way Cline's book did? Or is this the 'Where's Waldo?' of 80's kid pandering?
Jump into our DeLorean and take a trip down memory lane...
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Phantom Galaxy Episode 39: Tomb Raider and Ash vs the Evil Dead
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Saturday Mar 31, 2018
Welcome back! You've arrived at the Phantom Galaxy Podcast, a journey into all things science fiction, fantasy and horror.
In this episode host Nathan Bartlebaugh is joined with guest host Nathan Bell as they look at the latest attempt to bring Lara Croft to the screen in Tomb Raider. They also reminisce about the game franchise and the success or lack-thereof of the previous movies.
After that, we move from outlandish big-screen heroine to outlandish small-screen hero and discuss Bruce Campbell's foray into the silly and grotesque over at Starz with the latest season of Ash Vs. The Evil Dead.
It's a goofy good time. Hail to the King, Baby!
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Saturday Mar 10, 2018
Phantom Galaxy Episode 38: Wrinkle In Time, Black Panther, Annihilation and more
Saturday Mar 10, 2018
Saturday Mar 10, 2018
After a hiatus, Phantom Galaxy begins it's new season!
We're gonna kick things off with an episode recapping some of the stuff we missed while away. Nathan and Chris give you in-depth reviews of Black Panther, Annihilation and some of Netflix's recent original ventures. We also talk about the recent Oscars and review some Doctor Who candy confections from www.pd.net.
Nathan also offers up a fresh spoiler-free review of Ava DaVerney's Wrinkle in Time. Is it a new fantasy classic, or does it miss the boat?
Find out as we all return to...the Phantom Galaxy!
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Casting the Bones Episode 1
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Welcome to the very first episode of 'Casting the Bones', a chilling new podcast dedicated to exploring the roots of horror fiction and folklore. Your hosts Nathan Bartlebaugh and Seth Dombach peel back the seemingly tranquil veneer of the normal to examine the weird, the strange and the terrifying lurking beneath the flesh and muscle of our stories to find the fear beneath.
Consider this episode the prologue, as we discuss childhood fears and haunts and what things drew us to the horrific and unusual to begin with.
Every week we'll share fictional stories from new authors and esteemed masters of the genre, and we'll discuss those tales that dare to be true, while shining a light on what it is that makes our scariest superstitions tick. We'll have interviews with horror authors, artists and those folks who just have a stirring story to tell.
Settle down, turn off the lights, and join us as we cast the bones.
Send any fiction, strange experiences, or art/books/films you'd like reviewed, or general feedback to castingthebones@gmail.com.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark audio versions:
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvbU1dOz_1c
More Scary Stories to Tell in The Dark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-E2ZlqCThA
Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDmce0e0ce4
The music in this episode:
Moorland Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Casting the Bones theme composed by Seth Dombach

Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Episode 37: Best Horror Movies of 2017
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Sunday Jan 07, 2018
Now that all the tinsel and trees are put away and holiday festivities have been fully recovered from, Phantom Galaxy brings you the first of our 'Best Of 2017' podcasts. This time out, Nathan, Chris and Jason Kuppler bring you their top ten choices for the best horror movies of the year. So listen along, and let us know in the comments or on Facebook what your top ten choices are!
SPOILER WARNING: We avoid most spoilers for the films mentioned, but proceed with caution. Our basic rule is that if it showed up in trailers, it's fair game!
Here's a link to last year's 2016 podcast for best horror:
Read the rest of this entry »
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Episode 36: Through the Black Mirror (Part 1)
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Wednesday Jan 03, 2018
Happy New Year from Phantom Galaxy!
Seth and Nathan start the year out on a slightly bleaker note, by considering Charlie Brooker's dark sci-fi phenomenon, Black Mirror.
Set in worlds that feel devastatingly close to our own, Black Mirror often feels like Twilight Zone for pessimists. But underneath the grim exterior, there are worlds bursting with human truth and feeling, even if some of it doesn't exactly shine a light on our better natures.
In this first episode, Nathan and Seth discuss the first two seasons of the show and the first Christmas special. They will return to talk the two Netflix seasons shortly.
SPOILER WARNING: While we mostly try to leave many of the big plot twists or suprises intact, our basic approach to this episode was with 'full spoilers' in mind, so take notice before you continue.
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Friday Dec 29, 2017
Episode 35: Star Wars and The Last Jedi
Friday Dec 29, 2017
Friday Dec 29, 2017
Phantom Galaxy begins it's daily podcast countdown to the New Year! Our first episode has an old friend returning from the past to offer counsel on the Force.
Nathan Bell joins Nathan Bartlebaugh again, to talk all things Star Wars and then consider The Last Jedi and the intriguing backlash it seems to have stirred in some quarters of fandom.
We'll weigh in on Porgs and and whether or not we think Rian Johnson brought balance or disturbance to the Force with this 'Jedi'. Finally we talk about the relationship of fans to the new film, we also bring a spoiler-free review and then more detailed spoiler-talk.
May the Force be with you!
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.

Monday Dec 11, 2017
Episode 34: Cult Night--The Room and Windy City Heat
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Monday Dec 11, 2017
Oh, hi Mark! Welcome to Phantom Galaxy Episode 34.
We return to kick off a big December full of podcasts with our first Cult Double Feature.
Remember when looking in on and obsessing over the lives of seemingly mundane schlubs was the purview of the Truman Show? Reality TV vaporized that taboo long ago, and left us with a burnt-out wasteland of entertainment that sometimes still produces gems of absurdity.
In this episode we look at two 'singular' individuals and the movies and cults they have inspired.
First off, Nathan Seth and Chris study the cosmic badness of Tommy Wiseau's The Room and then review the new film 'The Disaster Artist', a manic account of the film's making.
Then, we zoom into obscure cult territory with one of Chris' favorite movies; Windy City Heat or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Perry Caravello. Not only do we explore the small but obsessive fan base that has rallied around Perry, but we've also got a shout-out from the man himself!
Jump down the cult movie rabbit hole for another crazy jaunt through The Phantom Galaxy!
Phantom Galaxy is a genre podcast that releases every week. If you’d like to support the cast please subscribe free in iTunes, and leave a review for the show! You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com and check us out on Twitter @fantomgalaxy.