
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Phantom Galaxy: ‘Dark Star‘ and ‘Ice Pirates‘ with Matt and Jackson Rawlings
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Thursday Sep 16, 2021
Nathan and Bill are excited to welcome back Matt Rawlings and his son Jackson from the podcast Father and Son Watch Horror, as they join us to cover two cult sci-fi classics with the b-movie bonanza of Dark Star (1974) and Ice Pirates (1984). We discuss rabid alien beach balls, insidious space herpies, and listen to the Father and the Son go at it over one of our movies! A ton of fun is had by all.
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com
Find Bill Van Veghel's other podcasts at:
Land of the Creeps podcast - http://landofthecreeps.blogspot.com/
Other places to find Bill:
Father and Son Watch Horror:

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Welcome back to the Phantom Galaxy Podcast!
This week we return to the review format for a series of new and older reviews of films and television, some playing at the theater and most available through various streaming services.
Nathan and Bill are joined by special guest Amanda Lee, who brings her horror and sci-fi knowledge to the table to tackle our biggest review episode to date, with 11 movies covered!
In addition, Nathan and Amanda also talk Candyman 2021 (spoiler-free) and Bill unveils a TUBI ORIGINAL movie: Swim!
Read the rest of this entry »
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Phantom Galaxy: The X-Files Season 2 Round Table
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
The X-Files Round Table returns to Phantom Galaxy with a deep dive on Season 2!
Nathan is once again joined by Victor Rodriguez from Inside the Sound of Fear, Dave Roy from The Great Fright North, and Tommy Wood from Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast.
Our longest episode to date, no nook or cranny of the episodes or the series mythology (to this point) is left unturned as we contemplate the growing relationship by Mulder and Scully, the shifting sands of the alien conspiracy, and the evolution of X-Files pantheon of "monsters".
We take turns highlighting specific episodes, but give a little time to every season 2 installment! It's an epic, for sure.
Enjoy, and remember, THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE!
Links for Victor Rodriguez:
The Sound of Fear: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1694373576
On Time from Transmundane Press: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KBT7YY3
"Uncertain Treasure" in Savage Realms Monthly: May 2021:
Inside the Sound of Fear:
Reel Talk Links and Contact:
- Join the Reel Talk: A Movie Podcast group on Facebook
- Follow them on Twitter: @reel_cast
- Email: reeltalkmoviecast@gmail.com
Dave Roy
‘The Great Fright North’: https://thegreatfrightnorth1975.podbean.com/
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com

Monday Jul 26, 2021
The Illustrated Fan #4: Batman, Drawn to Justice
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Nathan and Dave return for the latest episode of The Illustrated Fan with a special guest, "Vicious" Victor H. Rodriguez, author of 'The Sound of Fear', to talk arguably the greatest of all comic heroes, Batman.
The gang looks specifically at the animated films 'Batman: Mask of the Phantasm', 'Gotham by Gaslight' and 'Soul of the Dragon'.
We also consider the ways in which the Caped Crusader may be more uniquely suited to animation.
And we kick the show off by looking at two classic WB shorts, 'Duck Amok!' and 'One Froggy Evening!'
We also announce our first giveaway!
To win DVD copies of both 'Waltz with Bashir' and 'Batman Ninja', just share this latest episode on FB or Twitter, or go over to Apple Podcasts and leave us a review! We will draw and announce the winner on the next episode of Illustrated Fan!
Enjoy the episode and leave your comments here or on the Facebook page, or reach out to us on Twitter!
Links for Victor Rodriguez:
The Sound of Fear: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1694373576
On Time from Transmundane Press: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08KBT7YY3
Inside the Sound of Fear:
A reading of 'The Outsider' by H.P. Lovecraft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isUpiHEDZM8
Dave's other places on the internet:
Film blog: DVD Infatuation.com
On Twitter: @DVDinfatuation
On Facebook: DVDinfatuation
On Instagram: @dbjb6972
On Letterboxd: @dcoshockhmp
YouTube Channel: Visit W3Schools
Dave Becker's Podcasts:
Land of the Creeps horror podcast
DVD Infatuation @ Considering the Cinema: https://www.consideringthecinema.com
Check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Strange Frequencies #2: "Who Made Who?" by AC/DC and "Maximum Overdrive"
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Welcome to the second episode of Strange Frequencies!
This new series within Phantom Galaxy is hosted by Bill Van Veghel, our resident music afficianado.
With the help of guests, Bill explores the worlds where music and fiction meet, taking a look at films with musical themes, albums and artists who use their medium to tell stories and explore ideas, and that gulf in between that includes musicians turned actors and directors, soundtracks and ambient music, and much much more.
In this second episode, Bill calls in Jared and Ryan from the Horror Chronicles to take on the hard rock duo of AC/DC's 'Who Made Who?' album, and the film it plays as soundtrack to, Stephen King's 'Maximum Overdrive'.
From waxing poetic about the contributions of the late, great Bon Scott to questioning what King was or wasn't thinking while directing the film, it's a wild ride through a film and album that deserve the attention.
Those who are about to rock, we salute you!!
Check out The Horror Chronicles at:
Find Horror Chronicles merchandise at:
The Horror Chronicles opening and closing music written and performed by:
Bill Van Veghel:
Other places to find Bill:

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
After a brief hiatus, Nathan and Bill return to launch the Summer season of PG, complete with an upcoming anniversary episode at the end of the month.
In this episode we review:
Spiral: From the Book of Saw
The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It
It’s Me Billy (A Black Christmas short film)
A Quiet Place 2
Test Tube Teens From the Year 2000
Army of the Dead
Gnaw: Food of the Gods Part 2
The Retreat
If you want to leave a message to b aired or read on the Anniversary episode, send them as voice messages or written messages, via email to: Phantomcasts@gmail.com or leave a message at @fantomgalaxy on Twitter.
We will be announcing prize give-aways in the next episode.
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com
Bill Van Veghel:
Other places to find Bill:

Saturday May 22, 2021
The Illustrated Fan #3: The Art of War
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
Nathan and Dave return for the latest episode of The Illustrated Fan, focused on animated films dealing with the theme of war.
First we bridge from last episode with a review of the short film 'Voices of A Distant Star', the debut of Makoto Shinkai, the director of 'Your Name' and 'Weathering With You'.
Then we review two more realistic exposes on war with Ari Folman's 'Waltz With Bashir' and Denis Do's 'Funan'.
Check it out!
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com
Other places to find Dave:
Horror Movie Podcast - https://horrormoviepodcast.com/
DVD Infatuation @ Considering the Cinema: https://www.consideringthecinema.com
Other places to find Dave:
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ETtxXsgy-ZzHNoq012vqw
Email: dvdinfatuation@gmail.com
Twitter: @dvdinfatuation

Monday May 17, 2021
Strange Frequencies #1: "2112" by Rush and "The Devil's Candy"
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Welcome to the first episode of Strange Frequencies!
This new series within Phantom Galaxy is hosted by Bill Van Veghel, our resident music afficianado.
With the help of guests, Bill explores the worlds where music and fiction meet, taking a look at films with musical themes, albums and artists who use their medium to tell stories and explore ideas, and that gulf in between that includes musicians turned actors and directors, soundtracks and ambient music, and much much more.
In this first episode Bill takes a look at one of his all-time favorite albums by his all-time favorite band. Rush’s 2112 is a sonic odyssey through a dystopic space opera brimming with hard rock greatness.
He’s joined on his quest by regular PG host Nathan Bartlebaugh and guest Dave Roy, from The Great Fright North podcast. Together, they also tackle the 2015 heavy metal horror film ’The Devil’s Candy.
Check out Strange Frequencies! Where the needle drops and the story begins!
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com
Bill Van Veghel:
Other places to find Bill:
Dave Roy:
‘The Great Fright North’: https://thegreatfrightnorth1975.podbean.com/

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Phantom Galaxy: VOD Roulette With The Horror Chronicles
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
The Return of VOD Roulette! J.T. and Ryan from The Horror Chronicles join Nathan and Bill as they each choose a film from streaming and review it!
In this episode we talk The Barn, Shakma, The Willies and Dark Was The Night!
Check out The Horror Chronicles at:
Find Horror Chronicles merch at:
The Horror Chronicles opening and closing music written and performed by:
Bill Van Veghel:
Other places to find Bill:
Don't miss this episode, and check us out at all the places below:
Twitter: @fantomgalaxy
You can also find us on Facebook at: The Phantom Galaxy Podcast
You can also contact us and share your recommendations for show topics and stuff to review (books, beer, movies, whatever!) or leave us a Phantom Rant at Phantomcasts@gmail.com

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Phantom Galaxy: Hail to The King! Kong in the Movies
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Nathan and Bill put together an epic expedition with Greg Morgan and Dave Becker to traverse the craggy dino-infested crags of Skull Island and scale the steely towers of New York, as Phantom Galaxy sets its eyes on the 8th Wonder of the World, King Kong himself!
The motley crew takes on all 9 of Kong's cinematic adventures, including a spoiler-free review of Godzilla vs Kong! One of our most gigantic episodes to date! You'll go ape for it!
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