
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 13: Alienated--The Alien Franchise Review
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
This episode, we’ll ask that age-old question. ‘In space, can anyone hear you pontificate?’ Nathan and Chris look back over the wild and wacky ride that has been the Alien series, delving into each of the previous five movies (Alien Vs Predator wisely excluded). Then, hear them debate two different sides in a review of Alien Covenant, one with spoilers and one without. Enjoy!
[ 00:00:50 ] Introduction
[ 00:2:20 ]Mini-Review: Injustice 2
[ 0:7:52 ] Alien (1979)
[ 00:26:05] Aliens (1986)
[ 0:35:27] Alien 3 (1992)
[ 0:43:29] Alien Resurrection (1997)
[0:53:48] Prometheus (2012)
[1:00:54] Alien Covenant (Spoiler Free)
[1:13:31] Alien Covenant (Spoilers)

Saturday May 06, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 12: Girls, Guardians and Graphic Novels
Saturday May 06, 2017
Saturday May 06, 2017
It’s Free Comic Book Day! Nathan and Chris get the gang back together with Nathan Bell for an episode about female comic-book characters, great graphic novels and a new movie review. Hear them wax poetic about Squirrel Girl, ponder the new Dark Tower Trailer and try out New Belgium’s Voodoo Ranger! Then, Nathan and Chris delve into Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2. It’s Showtime, A ….er, Amigos!
- Introduction
[ 00:01:35 ] Free Comic Book Day
[ 00:4:05 ] New Belgium Voodoo Ranger—Imperial IPA
[ 0:7:30 ] The Dark Tower and The Defenders Trailers
[ 00:23:30] Great Graphic Novels
[ 0:40:56] Female Characters in Comics
[ 1:16:45] Spoiler-Free Review of Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2
[ 1:32:44] SPOILERS for Guardians Vol. 2

Tuesday May 02, 2017
Phantom Galaxy: Summer Preview 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
We are excited to announce that Pop Culture Ninja and Phantom Galaxy have now merged into the Phantom Galaxy Podcast going forward. You can hear all about this announcement in tonight's episode.
Nathan and Chris talk the summer genre movies of 2017, a motley crew stuffed with sequels, remakes, and a few smaller films peeking in from behind the blockbusters. Join us as we break everything down in months and let you know what we're looking forward to and what may be best avoided.
- Introduction
[ 00:00:36] Announcement about Phantom Galaxy and Pop Culture Ninja
[ 00:06:40 ] Summer Movie Preview

Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 10: The Man Comes Around
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Thursday Mar 02, 2017
Nathan and Chris return for the tenth episode of Phantom Galaxy. This episode we take the time to remember the great Bill Paxton and his incredible contributions to genre cinema. We also talk Horizon: Zero Dawn, the results of the Oscars and how Arrival fared. We also briefly mull over NASA’s announcement of its latest discovery and the possibility of what it means for humanity.
We also review Get Out and The Great Wall before diving right into a spoiler-free review of James Mangold’s Logan, the latest, bloodiest entry in the Hugh Jackman Wolverine saga.
The episode wraps with a review of Netflix’s newest arrival, I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore.
- Introduction
[ 00:01:45 ] A Tribute to Bill Paxton
[ 00:21:10 ] News: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Academy Awards and Arrival, NASA’s latest discovery
[ 0:32:30 ] Mini Reviews: Get Out (Chris) and The Great Wall (Nathan)
[ 00:49:10] Feature Review: Logan (2017) Spoiler Free
[ 01:13:00] Streaming Review: I Don’t Feel At Home In This World Anymore (2017)

Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 9: The Good, the Bad and the Trippy
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Nathan and Chris are joined by guest and horror fan Jason Kuppler for an off-the-wall episode that begins with a review of Gore Verbinski's Cure for Wellness and then spirals into the madness of hallucinogenic and surreal horror films. Here there be psycho dwarves, man-eating pianos and general, wacky insanity.

Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Episode 40: The Rise of the Batman
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Nathan and Nathan delve into the history of Batman on the big screen and the small screen in a episode that's been a long time coming. Whether it's growling bass or spandex gray with disco dancing, the Dark Knight has had a long and storied journey from the comics to film and television. Join the guys as they take a closer look at how well the character's nature has changed and expanded over the years.

Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 8: Dark Hearts and Frightful Love
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Tuesday Feb 14, 2017
Nathan and Chris sit down for Valentine's Day 2017 and explore the horror behind romance, with ten different movies that tackle the concept of romantic love and the nightmares it sometimes bring. There are monsters, spurned lovers, sinister phantoms and seductive vampires. Grab your best ghoul and settle in for a frolick through the world of love-themed horror movies.

Sunday Feb 12, 2017
PCN Episode 39: 2017 Game and Movie Preview
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Sunday Feb 12, 2017
Nathan and Nathan return to kick off the new season of PCN with a 2017 preview of movies and games. Enjoy!

Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Phantom Galaxy Episode 7: Rounding up the Best Horror Movies of 2016
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Tuesday Feb 07, 2017
Phantom Galaxy gets a belated 2017 start by looking back to 2016's horror movies. Nathan and Chris discuss their top ten horror movies of the year and an episode that will kick-off Phantom Galaxy's new weekly schedule.
The music in the episode comes from the following sources:
Stellardrone: www.stellardrone.bandcamp.com

Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Phantom Galaxy Episode 6: Not a Creature Was Stirring
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Saturday Dec 24, 2016
Welcome back to Phantom Galaxy!
Nathan and Chris travel across the wastelands of frozen Christmas tree to spy the dark shadows of holiday-themed horror and genre films. Santa gets a dark make-over, Krampus comes calling, and the boys discuss why such melancholy and sinister subject matter makes its way into the 'most wonderful time of the year'.
Merry Christmas everyone!
The music in the episode comes from the following sources:
Myuu (Nicolas Gasparini) :http://www.thedarkpiano.com